Cookie policy


1. Preliminary statements

The desktop website and/or mobile application Ourmatch (ref: (hereinafter collectively referred to as our “Platform”) has been developed and currently operated by Ourmatch Ltd, a private limited liability company dully incorporated and registered pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Cyprus (EU), with registration number HE 451858 and having its registered address at Evagorou 31, Evagoras Tower, 3rd Floor Office 32, 1065 Nicosia Cyprus (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Company”, ”we”, “us” or “our”).

2. Use of Cookies

Our Company may use technologies such as "cookies" to distinguish you from other users in our Platform. This aims to provide our Platform’s users with a good experience when they use and/or digitally navigating through it and in particular to provide them with tailored information upon each visit. It also allows us to improve our Platform and make it even better.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your device if you agree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your device’s hard drive. More specifically, cookies are a common part of commercial websites that allow small text files to be sent by a website, accepted by a web browser and then placed on your hard-drive in order to recognise repeat visits to the website/Platform. Every time you visit our Platform, our servers, through cookies, pixels and/or GIF files, collect basic technical information such as your domain name, the address of the last URL visited prior to clicking through to our Platform, and your browser and operating system.

For the avoidance of any doubt cookies do not contain any information that could identify the individual user personally.

We may use the following cookies:

In addition to the above, please further note that other third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies.

The validity and expiration periods of cookies and other similar trackers may vary depending on the lifetime set by our Platform or the relevant third party provider. Some of them expire upon termination of the user’s browsing or navigation session.

If you like, you can set your browser/device to notify you before you receive a cookie so you have the chance to accept or reject it and you can also set your browser/device to turn off all cookies (via the block of cookies option therein). The website (run by the Interactive Marketing Bureau) contains step-by-step guidance on how cookies can be switched off by users. You do not need to enable cookies to visit our Platform - however, some parts of our Platform and some services/features may be more difficult or impossible to use if cookies are disabled (eg. to view embedded videos powered by third party platforms such as Youtube).

3. Changes to our cookie policy

Any modifications to this cookie policy in the future will be published on this page, and we will undertake all necessary measures to communicate these changes to you. Please check this page regularly to stay informed about any updates or revisions to this cookie policy. In general, we will draw your attention to any such changes by updating our cookie banner/pop-up.

4. Queries

If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this cookie policy please contact our Company’s DPO by sending an email at: